Friday, July 12, 2013

CCCT Part II - Doyles to Robinsons, NL

Monday, July 8, 2013 - Day 25
We were up at 6:15 AM and after a quick breakfast of oatmeal, 1/2 a banana and chocolate milk we were off to Robinsons. The tent fly sheet was still damp from the morning dew when we packed up. We left at 7:45 on a day that promised to be sunny but cool with no wind at all. we made good time for the first 50 kms or so then we ran into a strong head wind for the last 20 kms. We arrived at the Irving station just before the turnoff to the 404 that would take us to Robinsons. We stopped for lunch and both had a grilled cheese sandwich (mine with bacon) and a diet coke. We arrived at Mike and Pearl's home at 1:30 PM after stopping at the Credit Union so Bev could get some cash. Mike was busy working on the sun room he is attaching to their "mini home". we unloaded our bags and put our bikes in the back shed. I helped Mike shift soffit and vinyl siding material, that he had removed from the side of the house, to the old cottage. Bev and Pearl set off for a walk. Mike stopped to talk to a neighbour about getting a window made for the sun room. We walked down to the "beach" which was all rocks and boulders. The tide was out otherwise, according to Mike, we would have seen salmon jumping about. There was no sign of the girls. Mike was having problems with his foot that he had broken while out jogging several weeks ago. we sat at a picnic table and chatted while Mike rested his foot before returning to the house. Pearl had prepared "Moose Soup" for dinner. We had tea and scones with Partridge Berry & Raspberry jams earlier. There was still some left over for dessert. after dinner I connected to Mike's Wi-Fi and we were able to check our e-mail and FB. Mike insisted we all go out to the store for groceries and ice cream. Bev treated us and we also got some tins of spaghetti and meat balls for tomorrow's dinner. After a quick tour we were back home and soon off to bed at 10:30. Mike promised to put me to work helping him with the 6 x 2 x 8 studs for framing the walls for the sun room.
Chez Marilyn and Max Dyke's, Corner Brook, NL

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